Ventana Ranch 5K Loop

Distance: 3.38 miles
Surface: Asphalt
Elevation Gain: 91 feet

What makes Ventana Ranch a great place to run is all the interesting routes. This route is not exception. 

As my thoughts drifted towards the many good times I’ve had running the trail that runs north from the Bosque along Paseo del Norte I felt a pang.  Heading towards 75 years of age, I know the day will come when all I have is memories.  Not today.  Today I run. Today I’ll make new memories.

– Aaron Greenwood

The Start

The intersection of Rainbow Blvd and Ventana Ranch Road is used as a start point only to describe the route.  You can jump on the route anywhere given this  route is a loop.

Turquoise Bridge

Bridges crossing the Piedras Marcadas Channel are distinguished by their turquoise colored gaurd rails.  This route crosses the channel four times.

Piedras Marcadas Channel

The Piedras Marcadas Channel cuts through Ventana Ranch.  A multi-use trail runs along its entire length sometimes referred to as the Arroyo Trial.

Briar Ridge Tot Lot

There are four parks along this route.  The tot lot at Briar Ridge park is typical of all four.

Rainbow Flat

The out and back segment along Rainbow Blvd is not exactly flat, but is gently rolling.

Winding Roads

Winding roads are just one of the many things that make this route interesting. 

Sandia Mountian

As Ventana Ranch Road winds toward the east Sandia Mountain provides a dramatic inspiratison.

Route Description:

  • Start the route at the intersection of Rainbow Blvd and Ventana Ranch Road.  Run north on the east side of Rainbow Blvd until  you reach Las Ventanas Road.  Cross over to the west side of Rainbow Blvd and run back to Ventana Ranch Road.  This out and back segment is 1.2 miles.
  • Turn west on to Ventana Ranch Road.  This will begin a winding, 2.1 mile segment of the route.  Along the way you will pass four parks, an elementary school and cross over the Piedras Marcadas Channel twice.  When you return to start you are done.