VR Box East 5K

Ventana Ranch

Distance: 3.30 miles
Surface: Asphalt
Elevation Gain: 78 feet

Like any circuit, you can jump on this route at any point and run it in any direction.  The VR Box East 5K is a variation of the Ventana Ranch Box route.

“Number one is just to gain a passion for running. To love the morning, to love the trail, to love the pace on the track. And if some kid gets really good at it, that’s cool too.”

– Coach Pat Tyson

South Edge

The south edge of the route runs .0.5 miles along Paseo del Norte from Rainbow Blvd to Universe Blvd.

East Edge

The eastern edge of the route runs 1 mile along Universe Blvd between Paseo del Norte and Irvine Blvd.

North Edge

The north edge of the route runs 0.5 miles along Irvine Blvd between Universe Blvd and Rainbow Blvd.

West Edge

Between Irvine Blvd and Paseo del Norte this route runs 1.4 miles along Rainbow Blvd, Las Ventanas Road, Ventana Ranch Road and a second segment on Rainbow.

Route Description

  • Starting at Rainbow Blvd and Paseo del Norte run east on Paseo del Norte to Universe Blvd.

  • Run north along Universe Blvd froom Paseo del Norte to Irvine Blvd.

  • Run west along Irvine Blvd from Universe Blvd to Rainbow Blvd
  • This west edge of this route follows several different streets.  Starting at Irvine Blvd Run south to the intersecton of Las Ventanas Road and turn east.  When you pass Ventana Ranch Road the street name changes to Vntana Ranch Road and loops back to Rainbow Blvd.  At Rainbow run south to the intersection with Paseo del Norte.