Alameda-Paseo 7 Miles

Alameda Open Space

Distance: 7.00 miles
Surface: Asphalt
Elevation Gain: 282 feet

The Alameda Open Space parking lot is located on the south side of Alameda Blvd just east or the Rio Grande River.

Only the disciplined ones in life are free. If you are undisciplined, you are a slave to your moods and your passions.

– Eliud Kipchoge

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accoplishment

Early on the route turns west, goes over a bridge and up a short ramp to the Paseo del Bosque Trail.  It’s the start of something big.  The asphalt trail runs uninterrupted for 15 miles.  Along the way the trail will change names, but a rose is a rose is a rose.

And how about that sport’s fans.  Out and back is an ultra.

A long straightway

The Paseo del Bosque Trail begins with a long straightaway.  A Cottonwood grove lies between the trail and the Rio Grande and you don’t have to stop running to visit it, just take any path you will see the wonder.

A Tunnel and a trun

Immediately after passing through the tunnel that runs under Paseo del Norte Blvd, there is a dirt path on the east side of the trail.  Take it.  This path is a shortcut to the Paseo del Norte Trail.

The cut through

Not far from the tunnel exit there is an opening between the dirt path and the Paseo del Norte Trail.  Pass through and run east.

The Paseo del Norte Trail

This is typical of the pastoral segment of the Paseo del Norte Trail.  The terrian will draw you in and you’ll be happy to be running here.

Tunnel passing under 4th Street

You can’t help but like running through this tunnel.  In a way it is a transition from a pastoral ambiance to a more urban one.  If you feel like it and what to yell something there is an echo.

Pedestrian bridge over 2ed Street

This pedestrian bridge is one of the more urban elements of the run.   The run up the ramp to the bridge,  is perfect for adding in a short burst of acceleration.  Hey, what’s life without calf burn.

There are 5 short segments of elevation gain on the Paseo Del Norte Trail in each direction, where a motivated runner can add a little hill work.  

Turnaround Point

It is 3.5 miles from the yellow line back to start.  Continuing across the street leads to the North Channel Trail, which follows the North Diversion Channel.  A curious runner might want to keep going and see where it goes even if it means a long, long run back.

The Ditch Trails are open for running

Along the Paseo del Norte Trail there are ditch roads going off in different directions.  They are inviting, and if you run this route enough someday you won’t be able to help yourself, you will just want to go see. 


The opposite side of the ditch

Running parallel and east of the Paseo del Bosque Trail is a dirt road just across the ditch.  Some might like it for a change of pace. 

Route Description

  • The Alameda Open Space parking lot is located on the south side of Alameda Blvd, just east of the Rio Grade bridge.  This is a prime entry point for the Bosque.
  • The run begins at the park bench just west of the latrine.   As you head south the trail will turn west, cross a bridge and go up a ramp to the Paseo del Bosque Trail.
  • Run south for approximately 1 mile and pass through the tunnel running under Paseo del Norte Blvd.  Immediately after exiting the tunnel there will be a dirt path on the east side of the trail.  Take it.  This path will connect with the Paseo del Norte Trail.  There will be an opening in the fence you can pass through.
  • The run up the Paseo del Norte Trail is about 2.5 mile mix of rolling and flat segments.  The beginning of this stretch is pastoral, but further out, the more urban it gets.
  • A short distance from the tunnel the trail rises and crosses Rio Grande Blvd, one of two streets you must cross.  
  • The next segment you will pass ditch roads running away from the trail.  Consider them as part of a future run.  When you reach the tunnel under 4th Street you enter a more urban landscape.
  • Not too far from the tunnel the path goes up a ramp to the pedestrian bridge going over 2ed Street.
  • Soon after you will come to a second pedestrian bridge crossing over the Journal Center Rail Runner station.
  • On the other side of the pedestrian bridge is Edith Street, the second of two streets you must cross.  At this intersection there is a traffic signal with a pedestrian crosswalk.
  • Once across Edith it is mostly uphill to the turnaround point.  Once there take the same route back.